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2021 Discretionary Grants

OrganizationFocus AreaAmount
Amarillo Little TheatreArts & Culture$40,000
Amarillo Museum of ArtArts & Culture$15,000
Amarillo OperaArts & Culture$50,000
Amarillo SymphonyArts & Culture$37,500
Borger Theatre CompanyArts & Culture$15,000
Pampa’s Tribute to Woody GuthrieArts & Culture$20,000
Canadian Arts AllianceArts & Culture$10,000
Canadian River Art CenterArts & Culture$7,500
Citadelle Art FoundationArts & Culture$10,000
Kanza Society High Plains Public RadioArts & Culture$7,500
La Rita Performing Arts Theatre Inc.Arts & Culture$35,000
Lone Star BalletArts & Culture$37,500
Texas Panhandle Art Education AssociationArts & Culture$15,000
Amarillo Habitat for HumanityEconomic Opportunity$120,000
Buckner Children and Family ServicesEconomic Opportunity$25,000
Downtown Women’s CenterEconomic Opportunity$50,000
Hope to Opportunities FoundationEconomic Opportunity$100,000
Panhandle Crisis CenterEconomic Opportunity$31,500
City of ClaudeEconomic Opportunity$150,000
Refugee Language ProjectEducation$60,000
Ogallala CommonsEducation$40,000
Storybridge, Inc.Education$165,000
Stepping Stones Learning CenterEducation$123,800
Window On a Wider WorldEducation$30,000
Don Harrington Discovery Center Foundation, Inc.Education$100,000
Amarillo Wesley Community CenterEducation$100,000
Pampa Meals on WheelsHealthcare$41,795
High Plains Food BankHealthcare$125,000
Tulia Love FundHealthcare$35,000
Hereford Senior Citizens AssociationHealthcare$99,000
Dumas Education and Social MinistriesHealthcare$150,000
Texas Tech Foundation, Inc.Healthcare$200,000
Wildcat Bluff Nature CenterUrgent/Unique$35,000

2021 Catalyst Grants

Karen Community of Amarillo Texas$20,000
Hope Lives Here$20,000
Hutchinson County United Way$7,500
Dallam-Hartley Counties Healthcare Foundation$7,500
Citadelle Art Foundation$15,000
Hidden Falls Ranch$5,000
Faith City Mission$20,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Texas Panhandle$17,500
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hereford$20,000
Hilltop Senior Citizens Association$17,500

2021 HRMC Grants

Ronald McDonald House Charities of AmarilloRMHC Family Room Renovation at NWTH$12,000
Coffee Memorial Blood CenterCell Therapy Equipment$12,400
Don Harrington Discovery CenterAutomatic Entry Door$5,041
Coffee Memorial Blood CenterNew Umbilical Cord Tissue Bank$10,000
Refuge MinistriesSupport Programs$10,000
Downtown Women’s CenterCounseling Services$10,000
West Texas A&M University FoundationSoftware/Injection Pads-Nursing Dept.$8,201
Dallam-Hartley Counties Healthcare FoundationER Certification for RNs$7,100
Catholic Charities of the Texas PanhandleAEDs for 3 Program Locations$5,775
Family Care FoundationOxygen Program$5,000
Hidden Falls RanchPurchase 2 AEDs$2,806
Amarillo College Foundation, Inc.HRMC Scholarships$6,000
Texas Tech Foundation, Inc.HRMC Scholarships$6,000
West Texas A&M University FoundationHRMC Scholarships$6,000
Clarendon CollegeHRMC Scholarships$3,500
Frank Phillips CollegeHRMC Scholarships$3,500

2021 Louise Bower Slentz

Coalition of Health Servicesto support the Gateway to Health Careers$20,000
Downtown Women’s Centerto provide Counseling Services for Women and Children$5,000
Frank Phillips Collegeto support the FPC Workforce Expansion Project$110,000
Ogallala Commonsto support the Homecoming Careers to the Texas Panhandle Communities Project$12,500
Pampa Animal Welfare Societyto provide for Animal Medical Costs$25,000
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Amarilloto provide for Furnishings of the Pediatric Oncology Suite$10,000
Wild West Wildlife Rehabilitation Centerto support the Wildlife Education Building Project$100,000
Pampa Animal Welfare Societyto provide annual support for P.A.W.S. animal shelter operations$20,000
Amarillo Area Foundationto support the 2021 Panhandle Gives Campaign$50,000
Girl Scouts – Texas Oklahoma Plainsto support the Equestrian Programming & New Fencing$39,000
Hidden Falls Ranchto support the Horse Shelter Project$29,000
Texas Ramp Projectto support the Amarillo Ramp Project$10,000
TTUHSC – Amarilloto support the TTUHSC-Amarillo Surgery Department Updates$59,500

Pattern Panhandle Wind

Organization / PurposeAmount
City of Panhandle$14,908
to support the purchase of a Panhandle Community Storm Shelter
Friends of Carson County Library$2,500
to support the Senior Electronic Empowerment (SEE) program
Garretson Center, Inc.$12,000
to provide Covid relief for feeding seniors
Maggie Weatherly Foundation Panhandle Girl Scouts$8,684
to provide for repairs for the Maggie Weatherly building fbo Girls Scouts in Panhandle
Skellytown Area Volunteer Firefighters-EMS Association$14,908
to support the purchase of a SKVFD First Responder Vehicle
White Deer Volunteer EMS$12,000
to provide for MICU upgrade and educational expenses for a paramedic program
White Deer-Skellytown Lighthouse Food Pantry$10,000
to purchase food and school supplies
Ogallala Commons$2,500
to fund the Playa Festival for Carson County 5th graders
Panhandle Education Foundation$12,640
to purchase Smartboards for PISD
Panhandle Independent School District$18,174
to update the lighting for PISD schools
Panhandle Independent School District$5,000
to provide two, $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from Panhandle
White Deer Independent School District$25,000
to support the WISD Ag and Family and Consumer Sciences Program (FCS)
White Deer Independent School District$5,000
to provide two, $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from White Deer
Window On a Wider World$6,574
to support Carson County WOWW programming

2021 CNSP Recipients

Recipient NamePurposeAmount
Amarillo Children’s Hometo support direct care costs for the Change the Ending Program for foster children$10,000
Another Chance Houseto provide program support for food, health, and wellness needs for men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness$5,000
Buckner Children and Family Servicesto support FYi Foster Care Youth Program that provides training and preparation for adult living (PAL) life skills for individuals who are aging out of the foster care system$6,700
Driskill Halfway Houseto support the Oasis and Independence Program for women overcoming addictions with washers, a refrigerator, and outside supplies$3,000
Elizabeth Ruth’s Hometo support the ERH Experiential Learning Program for autistic individuals$6,000
Faith City Missionto provide for basic needs for the homeless such as food, shelter, and clothes$3,500
Family Support Servicesto support the LOSS Program, the Local Outreach for Survivors of Suicide, with counseling, site restorations, and short-term accommodations$5,000
Guyon Saunders Resource Centerto support the Helping the Homeless Program by covering GED program costs and computer room costs related to client use for social services, employment, and housing$7,800
Hope and Healing Placeto provide Scholarships for Participants in the Generations Family Program which helps children and families walk through the grief process$10,000
Junior Achievement of the High Plainsto support the Biztown Program with IT Equipment, such as tablets, servers, phones, and electrical equipment for student simulations as they run mock businesses$10,000
Maverick Boys and Girls Clubto provide Snapology and STEM materials for students$9,000
Mission Amarilloto support the 365 Dad Program with a start-up curriculum and supplies$10,000
Panhandle Orphan Care Networkto support the Moses Closet Expansion with clothes, diapers, and supplies for families receiving placement of new foster child(ren)$10,000
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Amarilloto support the 2021 House Security Service of a security guard during the 6 months of transitioning back into newly constructed House while volunteers are on hold until Covid restrictions lift$4,000

2021 WPF Recipients

Award Amount
Amarillo Area CASAEducation to Prevent Homelessness and Sex Trafficking$10,000
Amarillo College Foundation (ARC)ARC Single Mothers Emergency Assistance Program$10,000
Borger Area Crisis Pregnancy CenterHealth & Safety Curriculum: Prenatal and Parenting Support$3,000
Dallam-Hartley Counties Healthcare FoundationLabor & Delivery Department targeting Guatamalan Expectant Mothers$8,018
The Downtown Women’s CenterSupport for our Youth Behavioral Modification & Healing Program$5,000
Guyon Saunders Resource CenterHelping Homeless Mothers & Children$6,920
Hope & Healing PlacePregnancy & Infant Loss Support$3,000
Hope Choice Pregnancy Center – AmarilloBaby Safety Class$6,000
Maverick Boys & Girls ClubHelping Homeless Children$9,675
The PARCCreating Possibilities$4,194
Square Mile Community Development CenterPATH Women In Business$10,000
Transformations by Amarillo AngelsDare to Dream Mentoring$4,193