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Improving quality of life for Texas Panhandle Residents

By coordinating and collaborating with nonprofits to help deliver efficient and effective services throughout the Texas Panhandle, AAF’s programs assist in improving the quality of life for our area’s residents today and in the future.


Through participating in workshops, board training, using the research computer, or taking advantage of other services we provide, the community reached out to the Nonprofit Service Center over 890 times in 2021.


2 workshops with 122 participants

Peer Groups

Executive Director Leader Circle: 12 meetings with 264 participants
Marketing Roundtable: 6 meetings with 89 participants

Nonprofit Leadership Academy

16 meetings with 215 participants

No Charge Consultations

(advice or resources) – 99

Fee-Based Consulting Services

included Board Training (topics Board Governance and Board Fundraising), Strategic Planning, and Development Planning.
Roxann Ball
NSC Program Officer